Blog 2: Technology and Psychology (1914-1945)

Technology and Psychology 

“There are no morals about technology at all. Technology expands our ways of thinking about things, expands our ways of doing things. If we’re bad people we use technology for bad purposes and if we’re good people we use it for good purposes.”

– Herbert Simon

Over the past hundreds of years, technology as we see it today was nothing compared to how it use to be. We’ve come so far from these technological advances, that the world we live in today is dependent on them. We take these advances for granted and don’t realize just how much we need them to live. Imagine living in the early 1900’s when all of these advances were new and upcoming. This was one of the most exciting time periods in American history!

“If you can be the best,then why not try to be the best?”

– Garrett Morgan

The Traffic Signal (1914)

This wasn’t the first traffic signal invented, but Garrett Morgan knew what needed to be done to improve it.  By having a third position besides just “Stop” and “Go,” it regulated crossing vehicles more safely than earlier signals had. The signal Morgan patented was a T-shaped pole with three settings. At night, when traffic was light, it could be set at half-mast (like a blinking yellow light today), warning drivers to proceed carefully through the intersection. The automobile was created not to long before the new and improved traffic signal made it’s first appearance in 1914Cleveland Ohio on the corner of Euclid Avenue and East 105th Street. He sold the rights to his invention to General Electric for $40,000.

Today, we wouldn’t function properly without the traffic signal! I couldn’t even imagine how many more car accidents and problems would occur. We all depend on this to get from point A to point B safely and on time everyday. Luckily, Garrett Morgan improved an already made invention that bettered everyone in this time period. The traffic light is something that will always be around and help out millions of people a day.

“If the tanks succeed, then victory follows.”

– Heinz Guderian 

The Tank (1915)

In 1915, the world is introduced to the first tank by Lancelot de Mole. He was an Australian engineer who decided in 1911 that he was tired of the rough rides while over rough terrains and decided to create the tank. Tanks rapidly became an important military weapon. During World War II, this is when we really first use the tank in military combat. It was VERY SLOW. it went roughly 2 mph and was known to get stuck in the trenches. (sounds like a pain) But luckily, this invention was very helpful and successful when it came to combat and protection! Known as the Mark I, the first few batches of tanks were hot, loud, and unwieldy and was always suffering mechanical malfunctions on the battlefield.  It would later become more advanced and evolved, but for now, people saw the potential it had.

Fun Fact:

  • Lancelot de Mole initially had the tank plans ready in 1912 and presented them to the British War Office; he received a reply that his idea had been rejected.

The tank still plays a huge role in today’s military and combat duties. Luckily, we have these massive, destructive machines to protect us and fight in when needed. Today we have many different makes and models of tanks that all perform differently. More weapons, protection, mobility, etc. Let’s be thankful these tanks were made when they did even with all the problems encountered because we improved on this idea years later.  Great idea’s are formed and later evolve.

“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would’ve said faster horses.”

– Henry Ford

The Combustion Engine (1920)

Prior to the 1920s, cars were operated with the help of steam engines and gasoline powered motors. They were very expensive. Henry Ford invented the first car with a combustion engine in 1920, which would make them MUCH cheaper than before. The automobile drastically changed the lives of Americans for the better. It not only improved transportation (obviously), but now it was more price reasonable for your average American family. Henry Ford became a leading manufacturer of affordable cars. The automobile became a hit for literally everyone during this time period. This invention opened up hundreds of jobs for people not only creating the cars and parts, but the streets they would drive on. This just opened up so many different opportunities for people in America. Now, people are able to travel to see friends/family, commute to work, and even just have fun joy riding. This engine just made things easier and more convenient for everyone. Not only people, American industries as well. It was a great time for

Fun Fact:

Henry Ford hated car racing. (funny huh?) 

The combustion engine was one of the biggest improvements on automobiles during this time. Later, they will evolve to even bigger and better things but for now we will continue to appreciate this awesome invention as it is. Today we depend on our cars and other automobiles for everything. Without this method of transportation what would we do? This is just one of the many amazing things we’ve grown from and are able to still enjoy today.


Between 1914-1924 we experienced some of the GREATEST inventions that the world has ever seen. Today, we still benefit from each and every single one of them. I think that these advances are brilliant and amazing. We’ve come so far from these, yet they are the base and reasons behind what we have today. Many of the inventions listed above have been worked on and made even better! But we always have to remember what we started from and how they’ve benefitted us today. I think everyone should appreciate these inventions and be so thankful for them. Because of them, our world functions smoothly.